Image Generation

RubyLLM makes it easy to generate images using AI models like DALL-E. This guide explains how to create images and customize the generation process.

Basic Image Generation

The simplest way to generate an image is using the global paint method:

# Generate an image with DALL-E
image = RubyLLM.paint("a sunset over mountains")

# The URL where you can view/download the image
puts image.url  # => "https://..."

# How the model interpreted your prompt
puts image.revised_prompt  # => "A breathtaking sunset painting the sky with warm..."

The paint method handles all the complexities of connecting to the right provider and processing the request.

Choosing Models

By default, RubyLLM uses DALL-E 3, but you can specify a different model:

# Use Gemini's Imagen 3 (see details below)
image = RubyLLM.paint(
  "a cyberpunk city at night",
  model: "imagen-3.0-generate-002"

You can configure the default model globally:

RubyLLM.configure do |config|
  config.default_image_model = "dall-e-3"

Image Sizes

You can control the size of the generated image:

# Standard size (1024x1024)
image = RubyLLM.paint("a white siamese cat")

# Landscape (1792x1024)
landscape = RubyLLM.paint(
  "a panoramic mountain landscape",
  size: "1792x1024"

# Portrait (1024x1792)
portrait = RubyLLM.paint(
  "a tall redwood tree",
  size: "1024x1792"

# Square with custom size
square = RubyLLM.paint(
  "a perfect square mandala",
  size: "1024x1024" # standard square

Available sizes depend on the model. DALL-E 3 supports:

  • "1024x1024" - Standard square (default)
  • "1792x1024" - Wide landscape
  • "1024x1792" - Tall portrait

Working with Generated Images

The Image object returned by paint contains information about the generated image:

image = RubyLLM.paint("a cyberpunk cityscape")

# For url-based images (like DALL-E)
if image.url && !image.base64?
  puts "Image URL: #{image.url}"

# For base64 images (like Gemini's Imagen)
if image.base64?
  puts "MIME type: #{image.mime_type}"
  puts "Base64 data available"

# How the model interpreted/enhanced your prompt
enhanced_prompt = image.revised_prompt

# The model used to generate the image
model_used = image.model_id

Saving Images Locally

To save the generated image to a local file (works with both URL and base64 images):

# Generate an image
image = RubyLLM.paint("a sunset over mountains")

# Save to a file - works with both URL and base64 images"sunset.png")

Rails Active Storage Integration

The to_blob method makes it easy to integrate with Rails’ Active Storage:

# In a Rails controller or job
def generate_image_for_product(product, prompt)
  # Generate the image with RubyLLM
  image = RubyLLM.paint(prompt)

  # Create a filename based on product and timestamp
  filename = "#{product.slug}-#{Time.current.to_i}.png"

  # Attach the image directly to the product using Active Storage
    filename: filename,
    content_type: image.mime_type || 'image/png'

  # You could also record the generation prompt, model, etc.
    image_prompt: prompt,
    image_revised_prompt: image.revised_prompt,
    image_model: image.model_id

Prompt Engineering for Images

Crafting effective prompts is crucial for getting the best results:

# Basic prompt
image = RubyLLM.paint("cat")

# Detailed prompt
image = RubyLLM.paint(
  "A fluffy orange tabby cat sitting on a windowsill, " \
  "looking out at a rainy day. Soft lighting, detailed fur, " \
  "photorealistic style."

Tips for Better Prompts

  1. Be specific about subject, setting, lighting, style, and perspective
  2. Specify artistic style (e.g., “oil painting”, “digital art”, “photorealistic”)
  3. Include lighting details (“soft morning light”, “dramatic sunset”)
  4. Add composition details (“close-up”, “wide angle”, “overhead view”)
  5. Specify mood or atmosphere (“serene”, “mysterious”, “cheerful”)

Error Handling

Handle errors that may occur during image generation:

  image = RubyLLM.paint("a sunset over mountains")
  puts "Image generated: #{image.url}"
rescue RubyLLM::UnauthorizedError
  puts "Please check your API key"
rescue RubyLLM::BadRequestError => e
  puts "Invalid request: #{e.message}"
rescue RubyLLM::Error => e
  puts "Error generating image: #{e.message}"

Common errors include:

  • UnauthorizedError - Invalid API key
  • BadRequestError - Content policy violation
  • RateLimitError - Too many requests
  • ServiceUnavailableError - Service temporarily unavailable

Content Safety

Image generation models have built-in safety filters. If your prompt violates content policies, you’ll receive an error.

To avoid content policy violations:

  • Avoid requesting violent, adult, or disturbing content
  • Don’t ask for images of real public figures
  • Avoid copyrighted characters and content
  • Be mindful of sensitive subject matter

Performance Considerations

Image generation typically takes 5-15 seconds. Consider these best practices:

  1. Handle asynchronously - Don’t block your application while waiting
  2. Implement timeouts - Set appropriate request timeouts
  3. Cache results - Save images to your server rather than regenerating
  4. Implement retries - Retry on temporary failures

Rails Integration

In a Rails application, you might implement image generation like this:

class ImagesController < ApplicationController
  def create
      prompt: params[:prompt],

    redirect_to images_path, notice: "Your image is being generated..."

class GenerateImageJob < ApplicationJob
  queue_as :default

  def perform(prompt:, user_id:)
    user = User.find(user_id)

      image = RubyLLM.paint(prompt)

      # Download and store the image
      image_file =

      # Create record in your database
        prompt: prompt,
        revised_prompt: image.revised_prompt,
        file: image_file,
        model: image.model_id

      # Notify user
      UserMailer.image_ready(user, prompt).deliver_later
    rescue RubyLLM::Error => e
      ErrorLogger.log(e, context: { prompt: prompt, user_id: user_id })
      UserMailer.image_failed(user, prompt, e.message).deliver_later

Example Use Cases

Product Visualization

def visualize_product(product_name, description)
  prompt = "#{product_name}: #{description}. " \
           "Professional product photography on white background, " \
           "detailed, commercial quality."

  RubyLLM.paint(prompt, size: "1024x1024")

image = visualize_product(
  "Ergonomic Office Chair",
  "Modern mesh back office chair with adjustable armrests and lumbar support"

Art Generation for Content

def generate_article_header(title, style)
  prompt = "Header image for an article titled '#{title}'. " \
           "Style: #{style}. Wide format, suitable for a blog header."

  RubyLLM.paint(prompt, size: "1792x1024")

image = generate_article_header(
  "The Future of Renewable Energy",
  "Minimalist digital illustration with clean lines and a blue-green color palette"

Next Steps

Now that you understand image generation, you might want to explore: